GENERATION THREE**************************************************


1st member of William Veale & Mary Cratchett Family

9. LEMUEL VEALE (WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. 1714/15 in Norfolk County, Virginia, d. 1756 in Norfolk County, Virginia he m. MISS LEWELLING

More about LEMUEL VEALE:
Source: LDS Files of Virginia: Lemuel Veale, father, William Veale, mother, Mary Cratchett
Source #2: Virginia Wills & Administration, 1632-1800 by C. Torrence: Will: 1757, Norfolk County, Virginia
Source #3: Library of Congress Report: Lemuel Veale, b. 1713/15 as he was old enough to witness a will of his uncle-in-law, Henry Nichols on January 28, 1735/6, d. 1756 in Norfolk County, Virginia. His wife was probably the daughter of Edward LEWELLING who in his will of January 10, 1752 and probated in Norfolk County, Virginia on April 16, 1752 (Book I, page 241), he left to my godson George Veale, he is not coming in for any more of my estate. That George Veale was probably a grandson of Lemuel Veale, as indicated by the fact that on September 20, 1754, Lemuel Veale sued Margaret Lewelling, executrix of Edward Lewelling (O Book. 1753-1755, page 86), perhaps for a part of the estate. Lemuel Veale died 1756, William Crawford being appointed his Administrator on December 16, 1756 (O Book, 1755-59, page 103)

+ 21.            i. DEMPSEY VEALE, b. 1735-37
+ 22.           ii. GEORGE VEALE, b. 1738/40
+ 23.          iii. FRANCES VEALE, b. 1747
+ 24.          iv. SALLY VEALE, b. 1749
+ 25.           v. CRAWFORD VEALE, b. 1745/1750


2nd member of William Veale & Mary Cratchett Family

10. {CAPTAIN} GEORGE VEALE (WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. 1715/20 in Norfolk County, Virginia, d. 1777 in Norfolk County, Virginia he m. FRANCES SCOTT

Source: Library of Congress Report: GEORGE VEALE, son of William & Mary Cratchett Veale, was born 1715-1720 and d. in Norfolk County, Virginia circa 1777, his wife, Frances, daughter of Thomas Scott I by his 2nd wife. The will of Thomas Scott I dated September 25, 1749 and probated October 20, 1749 (Book H, page 257) mentions his wife Martha’s eldest son called James Scott; sons: William & John, executors. George Veale was a Justice of Peace, for he was called “Gentleman” October 15, 1761 (ibid, page 124). He represented Norfolk County in the House of Burgesses 1756-58 (Journal, 1721-58, pages ix, 366 and Journal, 1756-58 page vii & 75), but resigned in 1759 to accept the office of Sheriff of Norfolk County (ibid, page 135). He and his brother-in-law Amos Etheridge and his brother Thomas Veale, all were commissioned to lay out the enlargement of Plymouth in 1763.

WILL: The Will of George Veale of the parish of Portsmouth, dated January 16, 1776, and no certain date of probate, likely 1777 (W Book 2, page 81 and 63). Mentions his wife FRANCIS, son SAMUEL, and three daughters, MARY. ELIZABETH & MARGARET VEALE, and Grandson, GEORGE VEALE O’SHEAL, and appoints THOMAS VEALE, son of SAMUEL, and son-in-law DAVID PORTER as Executors.

Source #2: LDS Files of Virginia: George Veale, b. 1715/20, father, William Veale, mother, Mary Cratchett.

Source #3: The travels of George & Nell Zipfel, the late of Tampa, Florida “A History of Trinity Church” of Plymouth, Virginia, 1761-1762 and 1661-1862 shows that the town was enlarged in 1763 at which time George Veale and Thomas Veale were appointed directors and trustees of the said town with the power so survey and lay out the said lands, (Portsmouth Sketch Book 1886). They were among the very first vestry-men, among them were George and Thomas Veale. Thomas owned a farm here and gave much of the land for public buildings, churches, etc.

+ 26.            i. SAMUEL VEALE
+ 28.          iii. AGNES VEALE
+ 29.          iv. CATHERINE VEALE
+ 30.           v. MARY VEALE
+ 31.          vi. ELIZABETH VEALE
+ 32.         vii. MARGARET VEALE


3rd member of William Veale & Mary Cratchett Family

11. ABIGAIL VEALE (WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. 1720-1725 she m. 1st CHARLES HOSIER, who d. 1745 and she m. 2nd AMOS ETHERIDGE 1745/6 in Norfolk County, Virginia, he b. 1719/20 in Norfolk County, Virginia, d. 1793 in Norfolk County, Virginia

Source: Library of Congress Report, page 106, item 75 (Amos, William & Thomas). AMOS ETHERIDGE was born 1719/20 and died in Norfolk County, Virginia 1793. He m. circa 1745/6 to ABIGAIL VEALE, the daughter of William and Mary Cratchett Veale, who predeceased him, it is possible that ABIGAIL Married 1st to CHARLES HOSIER who died in 1745. On April 19, 1745, it was ordered that the Sheriff sell the estate of Charles HOSIER, deceased, at Public Auction and return the same to the Clerk’s Office (O Book, 1742/6, page 90). On May 17, 1745, the Clerk was ordered to pay Amos Estheridge II 3 pounds out of Charles Hosier’s estate, and to pay Abigail Hosier 100 silver shillings and six pence, out of her husbands estate, her deceased husband (ibid, page 91). Only the name Abigail and the connection to Amos Etheridge here, however, this hints a possibility that Abigail had made a first marriage.
Source #2: LDS Files of Virginia: Abigail Veale, b. 1729/25 in Hanover County, North Carolina, father, William Veale, mother, Mary Cratchett

33.           i. BETHIAH ETHERIDGE, b. circa 1747/8
34.          ii. MARTHA ETHERIDGE, b. circa 1749/50 she m. JOHN BUTT
35.            i. JOHN ETHERIDGE BUTT, b. circa 1770
37.          iii. AMOS ETHERIDGE II, named in Library of Congress Report.


4th member of William Veale & Mary Cratchett Family

12. {CAPTAIN} THOMAS VEALE (WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. 1725 in Norfolk County, Virginia, d. before December 16, 1793 he m. BETHIAH EDWARDS on November 15, 1763 in Norfolk County, Virginia

Burial: He and Bethiah are more than likely in Portsmouth Trinity Church Cemetery, Portsmouth, Virginia
Source: Library of Congress Report: THOMAS VEALE was born 1725 as he was surety of his sister HILLARY HERBERT in 1746, and was probably 21 at that time. He was licensed to keep an ordinary (Pub & Inn) February 21, 1752 (O Book, 1750-52, page 76). And was appointed Captain of the Militia in 1763 (Book I, page 66). THOMAS VEALE was Burgess from Norfolk County, Virginia 1762-65 (Journal, 1761-65, pages 31, 70, 190, 201, 225, 231, and 313). In May 1763 Thomas Veale was authorized to lay out additional lots to adjacent Portsmouth, enlarging the town, and he, with his brother-in-law Amos Etheridge were among the appointed trustees of the town. (Hening Statutes, Volume #6, page 652).

WILL: The Will of Thomas Veale, dated August 08, 1793 and probated December 16, 1793 (Will Book 33, page 111) mentions sons WILLIAM CRAWFORD, THOMAS and GEORGE VEALE (the last being under 21); daughters NANCY VEALE (unmarried), MOLLY BANBURY, SALLY CANN, and THOMAS and NATHANIEL VEALE. Appoints (Captain) SAMUEL VEALE, his son-in-law JAMES CANN, and his own son THOMAS VEALE II as executors
Source #2: LDS Files of Virginia: Thomas Veale married Bethiah Edwards on November 15, 1763 in Norfolk County, Virginia

Thomas Veale, August 16, 1753, military service, Norfolk County, Virginia, from Colonial Soldiers by L. Broadstruck, GPC, Baltimore, MD
Thomas Veale, 1787 Census, Norfolk County, Virginia, for personal purposes, lists: Self, 10 blacks over 16, 5 blacks under 16, 4 horses and 10 cattle.
Thomas Veale, 1790 Census, Norfolk County, Virginia, lists: 0 white souls, 6 dwellings and 7 other buildings.
Thomas Veale, William & Mary quarterly, Virginia Historical Index, Volume II, W-Z lists: 4C646; 7H652; 7H653; 11H449; 13H481; 1N19, 58, 102, 103; 2N45; 3N96; 101, 115; 4N45; 4N8, 136; 3V427’ 15V186; 8W(2)104. 175; 9W(2) 39; Captain 4N19.
Bethiah Veale, W& M Q (same report as above) 4N19; and 8W(2)104)
THOMAS VEALE. Will Norfolk County, Virginia, Wills and Administrations by C. Torrence
Thomas Veale, December 21, 1793, will probated, Portsmouth, Virginia, from 18th Century Newspaper, Veale, deceased, part of his estate on the Southern Branch about 5 miles from Portsmouth to be sold by his executors, SAMUEL VEALE, JAMES CANN, WILLIAM C. VEALE, and THOMAS VEALE (VCN-PGA). Also the land transaction took place the same day, and same wording.
Source: Mrs. Carl Veal of Vernon, Illinois
Thomas Veal, on February 04, 1777, paid for timber and wood for the Fort and Troops at Portsmouth, Virginia (206.9.6)
Thomas Veal, on August 05, 1777, Paid for pine trees furnished for the use of Fort Stephens (Paid Account 60.15-----, and on November 04, 1777 same entry.

+ 38.            i. WILLIAM CRAWFORD VEALE
+ 39.           ii. MARY VEALE
+ 40.          iii. SALLY VEALE
+ 41.          iv. CATHERINE VEALE
+ 42.           v. THOMAS VEALE II
43.              vi. GEORGE VEALE, b. 1761 in Norfolk County, Virginia
+ 44.          vii. NANCY VEALE


5th member of William Veale & Mary Cratchett Family


Source: LDS Ancestry Files of Virginia: b. 1725-27, father, William Veale, mother, Mary Cratchett
Source # 2: Father’s will lists the marriage to HILLARY HERBERT


1st member of John Veal & Mibry Ballentine Family


Notes for MILBRY VEAL:
Library of Congress Report lists: Milbry as a daughter of John & Milbry Ballentine. In the will of Morris Veale, her brother (1766), he Morris lists Mary Livingston as, Kinswoman, and John Veal, her father lists Mary Livingston as grand daughter. The three wills (included) does identify sister PATIENCE’S two marriages to LOCKHART & JOLLIF. Therefore Milbry married MR LIVINGSTON and had one child, MARY LIVINGSTON, who is listed as grandchild.

45.            i. MARY LIVINGSTON


2nd member of John Veal & Milbry Ballentine Family

17. RICHARD VEAL (JOHN 2, MORRIS I 1), b. before 1754, died before March 1781 he m. UNKNOWN

More about RICHARD VEAL:
Will: Source: Virginia Crilley

Northampton County, North Carolina Will of RICHARD VEAL (1781)

File contributed for the use in USGenWeb Archives (Virginia Crilley)


(In the name of God, Amen) The 18th day of May 1781, I Richard Veal of Northampton County and the State of North Carolina being of prefect memory and mind thanks be to God for the same. Knowing that is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament.

First of all, give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body I it has pleased God to Bless me with, I give, devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form:

I give and bequeath unto my son JOHN VEAL, the plantation whereon my mother formerly lived and part of my plantation as far as my spring and from thence up a branch that is ditched to SIMON JEFFERS line and 50 acres in Holley Pocosin.

I likewise give my said son JOHN VEAL, the whole on my smith tools to his and his heirs forever.

ITEM: I give and bequeath to my son WILLIAM BRIDGES VEAL, the plantation whereon I now live and the rest of the land I am possessed with also still and hand mill to him and his heirs forever.

Then I give and bequeath unto my sister PATIENCE JOLLIFF five pounds in gold and silver -------------------------------- during her natural life or widowhood. I likewise give my sister her maintenance out of my estate during her natural life or widowhood provided the think proper to live on one of my plantations and take care of my children. If not, I leave her no other maintenance but the five-pound perannum.

I also will that Negroes, OLD SAM, ROBEN, PUMFRY, RSE, PINK and INDE and their small children that is fit to let out, shall be kept and work on my plantation ----- hired out until my son JOHN VEAL comes the age of twenty one years. Then it is my will to have the whole of my Negroes and all the remainder of my estate be equally divided between my two sons. And I do hereby constitute my loving friends, JOHN KNOS, and THOMAS WHITE of this aforesaid County as Executors of this my last will and testament. I do hereby cancel, denounce, and annul any other former testaments, wills and bequeaths made by me, ratifying this and no other to be my last will and testament.

In Witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year before written.

Richard VEALE as his last will and testament in the presence of us: JOHN PEELE, JOSIAH OUTLAW, & ROBERT GRIFFIN.

Northampton County, December Court 1781
The will of Richard Veal was proved by the affirmation of Josiah OUTLAW, Thomas WHITE and known and qualified executors the same ordered to be certified and recorded.

TESTE: JOSEPH A. ---------------------------, County Clerk

Children of RICHARD VEAL & Wife UNKNOWN are:
+ 46.            i. JOHN VEAL, b. before May 18, 1781 in North Carolina
+ 47.           ii. WILLIAM BRIDGES VEAL, b. before May 18, 1781 in North


4th member of John Veal & Milbry Ballentine Family

19. MORRIS VEALE (JOHN 2, MORRIS I 1), b. before 1754, d. before 1766

More about MORRIS VEALE:
Notes: In reading the Will below, remembering that this Morris is NOT listed in the Will of his father, John Veale. This will show that he was a member of this familyl



Files contributed for the use in USGenWeb Archives
Virginia Crilley

MORRIS VEALE, proved in November Court 1766

First Page Missing.

(ITEM) I give devise and bequeath unto my Mother, MILBRE VEALE all my estate of all kinds during her natural life. And after her decease give and bequeath unto each of my sister, PATIENCE LOCKHART’S children: JOHN LOCKHART. SAMUEL LOCKHART. MARY LOCKHART & ANA LOCKHART forty pounds of Virginia Currency to be raised out of my said estate after the decease of my said mother to them and their heirs and assigns

(ITEM) I give, devise and bequeath after the decease of my Mother unto my kinswoman, MARY LIVINGSTON, my Negro boy named SHARPER and my ---------- black horse, two cows and claves, four ewes, and lambs, six pewter plates, two sows and pigs, two pewter dishes, two basins, one iron pot and forty pounds of Virginia Currency to her and her heirs forever.

(ITEM) After the legacy herein my given away, I give, devise and bequeath all the residue of my estate after the decease of my Mother to my said brother, RICHARD VEALE, both real and personal to him and his heirs or assigns forever.

Lastly, I do hereby nominate and constitute and ordain my said brother, RICHARD VEALE, my whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament hereby renounce and making null and void all former wills, statements made by me and this only to be my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal the day and year herein before written

Signed, Sealed and delivered by this tester to be his last will and testament


In the Presence of: John DUKE, David Rice & Moses PERVIS

Northampton County, November Court- 1766

This Will of MORRIS VEALE was proved by the oaths of JOHN DUKE and DAVID RICE, at the same time RICHARD VEALE qualified as Executor of the same motion was ordered to be certified and recorded


NOTE: This Will shows that he never married or had any children.


5th member of John Veale & Milbry Ballentine Family

20. PATIENCE VEALE (JOHN 2, MORRIS I 1), b. before 1754, d. after 1766 she m, 1st MR LOCKHART & m. 2nd MR JOLLIFF

Children of PATIENCE VEALE & 1st Husband MR LOCKHART are:
48.           i. JOHN LOCKHART
49.          ii. SAMUEL LOCKHART
50.         iii. MARY LOCKHART
51.         iv. ANA LOCKHART