Source: The Veale Heritage, Volume III, No. 1, January 1980, p. 47.

JACOB VEALE, third son and the last surviving son of Richard Veal of St. Columb Major, Cornwall, England and his wife Temperance Rowe, was born at Trevarran, in the above parish on September 16, 1818. Has baptism is recorded on November 3, 1818 in the church parish.

He with his brothers, Richard & William along with his sister, Mary, were brought by their parents to the USA (Pike Co., MO) when he was two years old on the ship “Hope of Philadelphia” in 1820. Both parents died soon after arrival, from black tongue, leaving four orphaned children in a strange and wild land. But their parents left wealth, so the children ranging from the age 2 to 14 years, were well provided for. The newly formed Pike County appointed Thomas Kerr as guardian of the children and Henry S. Brown as administrator of the Parents Estate.

All three brothers eventually moved to various parts of the USA, Jacob to Jackson County, Republic of Texas in 1838 from which he left in a hurry when the Indians drove him out.

Shortly after this time Jacob traveled back to Cornwall to collect his inheritance from his grandfather’s estate, on which occasion his cousins identified him by his strange looking big toes, A Veal trait. After his return to the USA he added the “e” to the name as his ancestors had done over 100 years ago.

He then settled in St. Louis County, MO where he married Lydia Rogers Patterson, daughter of William Patterson and Assenath Piggott. They had 12 children, nine of whom lived to maturity, namely Richard Rowe, William Patterson, Mary Josephine, Ellen Frances, Sarah Elizabeth, James Albert, Joseph Piggott, Laura, Charles Boyce, Annie Laura an and infant not named. The children were all born in St. Louis Co., MO.

In 1855 Jacob Veale moved his family to Barton Co., MO after sending Richard there to select and but land. He immediately divided his holdings, over 700 acres, between nine children with a contingency that all provide support for their mother whom out lived her husband by 24 years.

He died May 9, 1886, aged 76, and was interned in Howell Cemetery, near Milford, MO



From The Veale Heritage, Volume IV, No. 3, July 1981, p. 87

RICHARD ROWE VEALE was born July 5, 1838, on a farm near El Dara, Pike County, Illinois, the sixth child and second son of William Veale, a native of St. Columb Major, Cornwall, and Margaret Wells. He was educated in the common schools of Pike County, Illinois until November 5, 1856 of which year with his father, tow brothers and three sisters traveled via New Orleans and the Isthmus of Panama, to California, arriving in San Francisco January 24, 1857. After a short time spent in Solono County, subject and family removed to Somoma County where they engaged in stock raising. Richard Rains Veale was the Justice of Peace in Sonoma County 1865 and 1867. The subject resided here until February 22, 1868, when he moved to a farm of 800 acres in Township Five, Eden Plain District, four miles from Brentwood, Contra Costa County, CA

Richard Rowe Veale on March 16, 1863 married, at Petaluma, CA to Martha Gallant Rains, a native of Missouri and daughter of Gallant Rains. Gallant with his family including Martha, crossed the plains in charge of three wagon trains composed of many wagons and horses, and became a rancher and stock raiser in California. The subject and wife had four children: Richard Rains, b. 1864; Gallant Lee, b. 1865; Margaret, b. 1867; and William Worth, b. circa 1870. Subject’s son Richard became sheriff of Contra Costa County and held this position for 40 years (1894-1934) and never shot anyone. Subject’s son Gallant died at infancy. Subject’s daughter married twice but had no children. She assisted her brother Richard in the sheriff’s office. Subject’s son William lived in Marin County, California and was a fireman there. Subject’s wife Martha died in 1871. Then the subject on March 11, 1880 in Martinez, California married Mrs. Selinda Sexton who had been born in New York State. There were no children to this union.

Richard Rowe Veale died June 5, 1886 near Eden Plain, California. His ancestory line was from St. Columb Major, Cornwall, the son of (William 6, Richard 5, Richard 4, Richard 3, Arthur 2, Richard 1).

U. S. Nautical chart #5527, published by the Coast Guard & Geodetic Survey, shows a “Veale Tract” in the wetland area south of the Sacramento River.



From: the Veale Heritage, Volume II, No. 4, October 1979, page 37.

WILLIAM PATTERSON VEALE was born August 29, 1845 in St. Louis County, Missouri, the second son of Jacob Veale, born in Cornwall and Lydia Rogers Patterson. He is one of the twelve children, all born in the old Patterson Settlement, St. Ferdinand Township, near Cold Water Creek. The subject grew up in a large community of Patterson aunts, uncles and cousins, addressing older cousins as aunt or uncle, and identifying each by their spouse’s name, such as, Aunt Martha Bill Patterson, Aunt Annie Dan Patterson, ect., there were so many Patterson’s of the same name.

He was drafted into the Union Army in 1863 and saw service in the American Civil Was, being a member of the Iron Mountain Brigade, a unit stationed south of St. Louis to guard workmen who repaired a railroad previously torn up by the Confederate troops.He was torn between allegiances, but of Southern sympathy but in the Northern Army, and for some reason did not apply for a veterans pension. He received a pension late in life, but this was in connection of the death of his son Hugh’s death in the first World War.

He married Ruth Grigg Barnes, daughter of Flanders Barnes and Obedience Grigg, in December 9, 1875 at

High Hill, Missouri, a young lady who was a student in a school he taught shortly after the Civil War. She was the g-g grand daughter of Col. Daniel Boone of Kentucky, descended through Callaway and Barnes families. William & Ruth had twelve children, half of them who died in childhood, and most were born in St. Louis County. They were: Cora, Edgar, Laura, Arthur, Nellie, Hugh, Temperance, Willa, Ollie, Thomas and Haley. William & Ruth moved to Barton County, Missouri about 1893 where his father, Jacob, had several years before has previously assigned a farm for each of his children. From about the time Haley, her twelveth child, was born, Ruth’s health was failing and she died on Thanksgiving Day 1903, age 48. William sold his farm and moved to California right after the first- world War, staying briefly with his son Arthur and family in Santa Paula. He was followed shortly by his daughter Fannie, her husband and child, after which arrival he purchased a house for them and stayed with them for some years. In 1930, after the death of daughter Fannie, he left California to stay with his daughter Willa, husband and children. He stayed in Pittsburg, Kansas with Willa until his death April 28, 1942. Aged 96 years and 8 months. He was a man of tragedy, having lost his wife in early years and having outlived all of his children but one. Evidence shows he was from sturdy stock, as he had a brother who lived to his 98th year, a sister who died at 80 and four others who died in their seventies.

He was a government surveyor for a short time before his school teaching. He was a farmer for about 50 years. In his middle years besides farming, he held office as a township judge and was a lay minister.


From: The Veale Heritage, Volume V. No. 3, July 1982, page 115.

RICHARD RAINS VEALE was born near Petaluma, Sonoma County, California on March 27, 1864; the oldest son of Richard Rowe Veale and Martha Rains. Young Richard moved with his family to Eden Plain District near Brentwood, Contra County, in 1868. Most of his schooling was acquired in Petaluma, however, as his mother died in 1871 and he was sent to live with his grandmother Rains.

R. R. VEALE entered politics very early in life, being selected as a local committeeman, and took an active interest in the doings of the Republican Party. In the meantime he worked for his father on the farm near Brentwood, and for G.W.T. Cartier on threshing machines, also learned the blacksmith trade. He farmed for a time on the Los Madanos Ranch near Antiach, and later went back to Brentwood, where he become extensive rancher and with his brother, William Worth Veale, operated 4,000 acres, raising grain, cattle, horses, and hogs.He had the distinction of being the first farmer in the country to use modern up-to-date methods, such as, steam plows and harvesters.

It was while running this ranch in 1894 that R.R. Veale was first elected to office as sheriff of Contra Costa County. He served in this capacity for over 40 years and he was one of the best known peace officers on the Pacific Coast. He captured the criminal, Moore, who killed Kilroy at Nevada City. He also captured the culprit who stole over 300,000 of gold bullion from Selby Smelting Company and hid it in the bay. The murder, McFarland, who killed Garcia on Mt. Diavlo in 1908 was another tracked down by Sheriff Veale, who on another occasion, arrested Tom Mooney for illegal gun possession (before the 1915 Preparedness Day bombing in San Francisco). Mooney was convicted and sent to prison for over 20 years, whose trial was big news at the time and created a sensation. In the Mechanics Bank robbery at Richmond in 1926, the accused was in San Quentin within 24 hours and the 8,000 dollars returned.

Sheriff Veale was ahead of his time in prison reform. He saw that conditions in the Martinez jail were the best, and all clean, neat, and prisoners given the best of care, In his arrests he never found it necessary to kill a suspect, preferring to let the law take its course. He was the originator of the rock pile work for hobos.

In all public affairs of Contra County, the influence of Mr. Veale was felt. The people of Richmond sent him to Washington to help put over the reclamation district, known as Richmond Harbor Project. And it was largely through his efforts that the U.S. Government cleaned out the shoals between Martinez and Pittsburg for better navigation. He was instrumental in getting the state highway built between Martinez and Crockett. During WW I he organized a Home Guard of 1200 men, and could send 250 armed men to any point of the country in a short notice. Sheriff Veale was elected as a delegate to the Republican Party Convention held in Chicago in June 1916. He was chosen commissioner from Contra Costa County to the Panama Exposition held in San Francisco in 1915.

For 35 years he was the secretary of the California Sheriff’s Association, which he organized. In 1934, after 40 years as sheriff of Contra Costa County he was defeated for reelection by John Miller.

Mr. Veale was united in Marriage to Mary Elizabeth Martin on November 11, 1883. To this union there are six children: William Minor, born September 10, 1887; Leila, born January 13, 1890(Mrs. A.F.Bray); Robert Howard, b. May 18, 1885; Mortimer Belshaw, b. November 18, 1893; Mariam Estelle, b. April 21, 1897 (Mrs. Francis McMahon); and Leola Rains, b. March 22, 1899 (Mrs. Bernard McDonald).

R. R. Veale was married three times, the second ending in divorce. In 1927 he was married thirdly to Mrs. Marion Cranston Wright, former post mistress of El Cerritos, who survived his. He died October 25, 1937 at 73 years old, about a month after gall bladder surgery. For his last year he had served as County Tax Collector.



From: The Veale Heritage, Volume IV, No. 2, pp. 81, 84, & 85.

ARTHUR BERRYMAN VEALE was born May 26, 1881 in St. Louis Co., MO, the fourth child and the second son of William P. Veale and Ruth Grigg Barnes. He was born on the farm of Joseph Patterson, his grandmother’s brother, in an area known as “The Sinks” near Flotissant, Missouri.

He moved with his family about 1893 to Barton County, Missouri to a farm provided by his grandfather, Jacob Veale. In July 1901 he moved to California, traveling with Dick Williams, his step cousin. In 1902 he was employed by the Los Angeles Gas-Electric Co., and roomed with his brother Edgar at Mrs. Tupper’s guest home on Second Street, Los Angeles. From November 1903 to early 1904 he was in Barton County, Missouri with his parents, during which his mother died, but returned to California. In 1905 he was in Goldfield, Nevada prospecting for gold, a diversionary action he took to avoid getting involved in an electrical Workers” strike against his employer. About 1907-9 he was in Santa Ana, California, working with his brother Edgar as an electrician for Santa Ana Bureau of Light & Power. In 1910-11 he was in Santa Barbara, California where he started a business with $2,000 borrowed from his father, called “Billy’s Smoke House” selling tobacco products, candies, newspapers, ect., bur failed after some months. A famous customer was William G. McAdoo, later the senator from California.

In 1913 he lived first in Inglewood then Venice, California. On June 15, 1913 he married Emma Hind, daughter of Louis P. Hind and Annie Pitts of Del Rosa, California, where they married. They settled in Venice, CA and from this union came two children, India R. Veale and Carl W. Veale. In December 1917 he moved his family to Santa Paula, California, another district of his employer, Southern California Edison Company, with whom he had been with since 1912. He rented an old two- story house at 404 West Main Street and was there for 5 years. In December 1922 he purchased a house at 323 North Seventh Street of the city, moving there the first week of January 1923, where he died on March 22, 1935, having worked the day of his death.

Other places he lived at or visited from 1901-1912 were Garden Grove, Fulerton, San Francisco (Cliff House}, the Cooley dairy (near Stanton), Colton and Avalon.

Military: In 1898, at the time of the Spanish-American War, he tried to enlist in the Army, but was turned down as one year too young. His brother Edgar, four years older, did and was accepted and served a three - year enlistment.The subject served in the Home Guard during World War I.

When he was a lineman for the Santa Anna Bureau of Power & light he fell off a pole and broke his hip. His landlady took care of him during his convalescence. In 1927 he again fell off a pole (25 feet) but fortunately broke no bones, just a leader sprain in one hand. Otherwise, he suffered only shock and admitted that he was very “shook up”.

He purchased a house in Santa Anna, fixed it up, then proposed to his sweetheart. But she turned him down. She was still going with other men too. After this he leased the house to a lady who rented rooms and gave board. He stayed there himself for a time, renting a back room.

Once about 1899, when he was still on the Missouri farm, near Ithana, he was sent out to look for his younger brother Haley who had not responded to a call for supper. He found Haley dazed near the barn, he asked the boy what was wrong. The boy replied, “the barn went around with me”. He carried Haley to the house and a doctor was summoned. The doctor ordered the side of his head be shaved, when exposed the imprint of a mule shoe was found.Haley was treated and recovered but was never the same- thereafter

listless. It was determined that he had been tickling the rump of the mule in the barn with a stick through a hole in the barn wall, the mule retaliated. Haley died in 1913, age 18. In 1900 the subject had a hay bailing crew and went about the rural area near Ithana, Missouri bailing for different farmers.

St. Francis Disaster: On March 13-16, 1928, the subject worked without bed rest for four straight days and nights helping to repair electrical installations done by the St. Francis flood that devastated the Santa Clara Valley, including the lower area of Santa Paula. When he finally returned home he “hit” the mattress and slept well into the next day in a well-earned rest.

In the summer of 1918 he met his brother High for the last time. Hugh had been in the Army for some training unit in Orange County and was being sent overseas to France. About three months later, Hugh was killed in action.

About 1926 he was called as witness for his employer, Southern California Edison Company; in a many million -dollar suit against the company in which the plaintiffs charged that the company wires sparked and started what turned out to be a devastating forest fire north of Santa Paula.

Fortunes, Good and Bad: At the worst of depressions of the early 1930’s, his employer laid off one man of every three emergency crew of which subject was then a member, added the dismissed members duties to the other two, then gave them a pay raise. About that time he stated that only depression that had been bad on him was that of 1907, when he had a friend holed up on a farm near Santa Paula and lived on two dollars a week.

Early in 1929 he sold all of his financial holdings about the time that Joseph Kennedy Sr. did. He remarked at that time, any stock that goes up that high has to come down. This was the only year that he had to turn in Federal Income Tax Returns.

In his early employment with Edison Company he operated one of the earliest electrical power operated trucks. He remarked that in going up hill with this vehicle he could walk faster. Once, when he was working for one of the power companies, during the time that women wore ankle choker skirts a woman asked him, “Will I get a shock if I put my foot on the trolley track?” He replied, “Yes”, if you put your other foot up on the (high) trolley wire.

In the 1920’s down to about 1932-2 he was a heavy gang foreman for the Edison Company in the Santa Paula area. His gang was composed of two linemen, two linemen’s helpers, and three or four ground grunts and a wagon clerk, operating with a chain drive Mack truck equipped with a crane, winch, bailers, and diggers (there were no augers at that time). Principal complaints subject had was the wagon clerk was asleep in the truck cab too much of the time and one of the grunts was careless in handling the equipment. Once a grunt dropped a pole on someone’s foot and said, “I didn’t know that you were standing there”.

When working at the Cooley dairy, subject was a cowpuncher, perhaps the only genuine cowpuncher in California. His job was, with a needle syringe, punching holes that had bloat, letting the gas out of the animals.

Once, in 1930, when he and his heavy gang were installing a pole in the Santa Paula district, they hit a petrified wood near the bottom of at least one pole hole. He brought home samples of this wood, which served as garden ornaments for some 25 years in Santa Paula and Los Angeles. A Historian, who still has one of the samples and knows where it came from, tested and scintillator which gave noticeable radioactive reading on it. Arthur Veale died never knowing that he had discovered the edge of a vast field of uranium ore.

May 26, 1981 is the hundredth anniversary of his birth and down to this time his progeny has numbered 26 people, namely, 2 children, 6 grandchildren, and 18 great grandchildren. He didn’t live to see any of his grandchildren.

Genealogical: Arthur Veale descended from one of America’s greatest pioneers, Col. Daniel Boone through his mother, namely: Ruth Barnes 5, Flanders Barnes 4, Sarah Callaway 3, Jemima Boone 2, Daniel Boone



NOTE: Hilda Emma Hind was living in Los Angeles, California in 1956. She was the daughter of Louis Peter Hind and Annie Pitts. Her New Jersey birth records lists her name as EMMA LOUIS HIND.

From: The Veale Heritage, Volume VI, No. 1, January of 1983

EMMA HIND: The subject was born Hilda Emma Hind on April 27, 1890 in Hoboken, New Jersey. Her father was Louis P. Hind, born in Nassau, Germany, son of August Hind and his wife Mary Ann Burkhart. Subject’s birth certificate designates her as Emma Louis Hind, apparently the Dutch name custom of amid-wife’s signing of the document.

Subject was the ninth of twelve children. The children were born in various areas of St. Louis, Cincinatti, Hoboken and Bayone, New Jersey, as her father was an itinerant printer. She moved with her family in 1892 from Hoboken to Bayone, New Jersey, where her youngest brother and sister were born. In 1908 she moved with her family to Del Rosa, California, where her parents settled on a farm. Her father had just retired from 47 years of printing and took up raising grapes, olives, and apricots.

On June 15, 1913 subject married Arthur Berryman Veale, son of William Patterson Veale and wife Ruth Grigg Barnes, married at the Del Rosa farm. From this union were born two children: Carl William Veale and India Ruth Veale. The couple lived at Santa Monica, then Venice, California, but in December 1917 they settled in Santa Paula, California, first renting a house on Main Street until the first week of 1923, when they moved into a house that they had began to purchase. At the latter place Arthur B. Veale died on March 22, 1935, and after this our subject enlarged her previous, occasional occupation as a nurse. Her speciality was post-natal care of mothers and their babies, but also cared for elderly terminal cases. It was in 1937 that her cousin Frederick Hind called her for assistance for his terminally ill wife, Georgia. Subject assisted her for about eight months. After the death of Georgia in 1938 Mr. Hind rented his house to Mrs. Shockey who managed the house as a guest home with board and room and taking board from Mrs. Shockey. In a short time Mrs. Shockey failed in running of the guest -house and Mr. Hind sent out an urgent call to subject for help of the guest- house and returned and the two ran the house profitably after Mrs. Shockey left. Subject and Frederick Hind were married in December 1938 at Mission Inn, Riverside, California. She stated that she was taking her maiden name back by marrying her cousin. They had been married 21 years when Mr. Hind died in 1959. She had operated this guest home for 33 ½ years. The end of this time was the sale of the guest home and moving to “Leisure World”, Laguna Hills, California with her daughter India Kelley.The last renter was a Mr. Eddy, who was so much liked the old residence that if he had known soon enough about the house’s financial problem that the last year (property Taxes had tripled in two years) he would have given aid.

Education: Subject attended public grade school in Batone, New Jersey, then high school for about 2 ½ years there, and completed the remaining terms in San Bernardino High School in California. She took college courses in Redlands, California by mail. She had planned to attend fully, but the year of this planning was defeated when her father received a freight bill-of-charge from the railroad instead of a nice payment for his farm products. In high school her language major was German in which she was fluent in speaking. This was enhanced by the fact that her father was a scholar in the German language and, quite naturally, was handy to help her in her studies. During the 1920’s subject attended evening school, taking the new 20th Century Bookkeeping and Accounting, after which she became the treasurer of her church.

Employment: Subject’s early jobs were in news reporting. She was a reporter on the Santa Barbara newspaper. Her brother-in-law, S. V. Macgillivaray was on the editorial staff and sent her on interviews with Jack London, She also interviewed many other notables during this period of time. At this time she was living at the home of her sister India Macgillavray, and was also the time she first met Arthur B. Veale. Other newspapers she worked for were the Redlands Facts, Santa Ana Blade (Society 1932-34). Subject worked as a librarian for her church from self-employed in 1938 managing a guest-house for 33 ½ years.


Her nursing jobs ranges, occasionally from 1925 to 1938.

Activities: In the summer of 1911 subject and the Macgillavrays decided to move to Del Rosa and Los Angeles respectively. Subject and sister India, and India’s four year old son Willard, made a walking trip accompanied by their burrow, Joy, from Santa Barbara to Del Rosa. They were armed with pistols, aninsistence by S. V. Macgillavray, and the burrow was protection as, when the women were asleep, in which case the burrow would snort when a stranger came near.

Subject was a member of the Order of Eastern Star of Santa Paula (over 50 years) and during the late 20’s was president of the Santa Paula Parent-Teachers Association.

Emma Hild died in her sleep on December 9, 1982, at the age of 92 years and 7 ½ months, in Laguna Hills, California. At the time of her death, subject had two children, six grandchildren and twenty-one great-grandchildren, which is a total of 29 descendants

IN MEMORY OF: EMMA HIND, VFA Vice President, who died on December 9, 1982 in Laguna Hills, CA, at the age of 92 years 7 ½ months.



From: The Veale Heritage, Volume V, No. 4, October 1982, page 121.

INDIA RUTH VEALE, the subject was born in Santa Monica, California on April 7, 1914, the oldest of the two children of Arthur Berryman Veale & his wife Emma. The daughter of Louis Peter Hind. Subject married Kenneth Malcom Kelley, the son of Harry A. Kelley and his wife Edith Alton, on November 11, 1939 in Los Angeles, California. They had two children: Kathleen Patricia and Janet Marie Kelley. They lived at various addresses in the Los Angeles and nearby Venice areas. In later years the subject and her two daughters lived at 500 South Serrano Avenue, Los Angeles, at the home of her mother, Emma Hind, and Frederick Hind, Emma second husband. When, on 1972, this property had been sold for an apartment house project, subject with Emma Hind moved to a newly built condominium in “Leisure World”, Laguna Hills, California.

Education: Subject attended McKevett and Mill grammar schools of Santa Paula, California, from 1919 to 1927. The city in where they resided from 1917 to 1927.She attended Santa Paula High School from 1927 to 1932 (including a year of post- graduate study). Went on to attend a graduate course at Ventura Junior College from 1932 to 1934, then on to UCLA 1934-1935, terminating at this school at the end of the school year after her father’s death. She had planned to make a career out of music, but then, after his death in the family she turned to business study in a UCLA extension course for six months. Then for nine months she attended Sawyer Business College, Los Angeles. Years later, in 1963, she enrolled in a two- year course at Alexander Hamilton Business College in a course of business management.

Employment: Subject was employed as a stenographer from May 1936 to November 1937 by Walton Hubbard Jr., a yacht broker firm in Loa Angeles. The from November 1937 to December 1940 as a secretary-stenographer by M. C. McCrea & Brothers, Inc and by Willis E. Hunt, the same firm under another name. From May to August 1941; she was employed as a secretary-stenographer byM. C. McCrea of Los Angeles. From June to August 1948 inclusively she was employed as a secretary by Tax Control Records, Los Angeles, and from August 1948 to August 1950 as a bookkeeper by Smart Supply Company, Inc., Los Angeles. Then from August 1950 to her retirement late in 1977 she was employed variously as stenographer, bookkeeper, Administrative- Assistant by North American Aviation and its reorganization as Rockwell Aviation. She belonged to the National Secretary Association.

Business: Subject owned an insurance agency for policies on general risk of insurance as a licensed agent for several under righting companies, selling fire, auto, and casuality insurance. She was doing this from the time she had with yacht Brokerage Company until well into the years of employment by North American Aviation.

Activities: Subject was a member of Job’s Daughters in Santa Paul. She was a member of A Capella Quire in school and also sang coloratura under the teaching of her aunt India Mac Gillivary who had been professional singing teacher in connection with the New York Metropolitan opera. She had been in a drama variety show at Briggs School west of Santa Paula.

The last few years of subject’s health slowly failed and then, on the morning of February 23, 1981, she died, aged 66 years and 10 ½ months. At her decease she had 10 grandchildren. Her Veale ancestors are documented as: (Arthur 8, William 7, Jacob 6, Richard 5, Richard 4, Richard 3, Arthur 2, Richard 1).