THE VEALE FAMILY TREE







3rd member of James Carr Veale I & Lavina Townsend Family

+ 1. JAMES CARR VEALE II (JAMES I 1), b. November 13, 1786 in Union County, South Carolina d. January 22, 1858 in Daviess County, Indiana he m. ELEANOR ELLEN AIKMAN on August 22, 1813


Burial: Old Veale Cemetery, just south of Maysville, Indiana on property deeded him by his father, James I on July 27, 1829 (County Land Records)

Marriage: James II & Eleanor received their license for marriage at the Territorial Capital, Knox County, Vincennes, Indiana. Daviess County Marriage Records, Book B, page 80 records this marriage the same date at Fort Comer and preformed by an Army Captain and also a minister. Old Fort Comer was about a mile northeast of the Old Veale homestead.

Military service: A HISTORY OF DAVIESS COUNTY, INDIANA by Fulkerson (1915)

Fulkerson relates he served under General William H. Harrison in the War of 1812. A through check of General Harrison’s records, which were poorly kept, my nephew, Richard Alan Veale says the record does NOT reflect this statement. He did, however served under Major Robb’s Territorial Militia in 1810. The LDS Files of Virginia shows that James II was shot in the hand while fighting Indiana in 1810. Zed Veale I, now deceased, did indicate to me and his two sons that James II had been buried with a bullet still in his hand.

There are a number of conflicting statements in the early records of Daviess County, Indiana, such as, who built the first saw mill, who was the first teacher in Daviess County. A HISTORY OF DAVIESS COUNTY, Indiana by Fulkerson relates that James II arrived a year before his father, James I making this the year of 1807. A GOODLY HERITAGE by Richard Alan Keefer writes: Quote: “James II arrived 1st bringing his slave Sam with him, setting up the 1st saw mill in 1807”. (End of quote)We know from the records of Fort Sackville, Vincennes, Knox County, Indiana that James I and his family arrived at the Territory Capital on June 10, 1808 and in Daviess County, Indiana on June 13, 1808. He had purchased 1 square mile of land for $640.00, or a dollar per acre. Ralph Carr Veale rveale@aol.com and I have discussed this in length, and only when we found the Memorandum in the Daviess County Clerk’s Office listing the date of birth as September 13, 1786, which would make him 21 years of age. This would make James II of the age of 21 in 1807, and not a teenager with one slave. The Thomas-Veale Ledger as written by James I himself shows the date of birth of November 13, 1786, the date that I have used. (RLV)

This coupled with the writings of the Book: Down the Big Rivers, which relates that the Skipper, Frank Hawkins had a passenger named Jim who had a slave named Sam had settled on White River near Fort Hawkins. Old Fort Hawkins was about 2 miles north of the old Veale homestead located in Daviess County, Indiana. Later comments will eliminate his from being the first school teacher, as Watis was not a son of James II, but of James I.


1). James Carr Veale II came to Indiana 1st in 1807. He and Sam built the first saw mill.

2). Date of birth shows that James II was 21 years of age in 1807.


Quote: “James C. Veale II married Eleanor Aikman, their children: John M., James A (a preacher). Julia, Mary, Elizabeth, Anderson, George W., Thomas & Waitis”. (End of quote)

Note: Since 1915 more details have come forward. THOMAS in fact is WILLIAM “THOMAS” VEALE and only two known Watis’ in the early family. WATIS is the 1st son of James Carr Veale I & Lavina, the second being the son of WILLIAM THOMPSON VEALE and ELIZABETH STEPHENSON. The 2nd Waitis was not of age to attend the 1st school of Daviess County, Indiana. In 1915 the 1st Watus had already left the state and was found to be in Georgia which information was found much later this century. Therefore, James Carr Veale II did NOT have a son named Watis.

Notes for James Carr Veale Junior:

MEMORANDUM from Daviess County, Indiana Clerk’s Office:

Quote: “James C. Veale was born in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty- six the 13th November. Eleanor Veale was born 15th October 1791” (End of quote).


Quote: “James C. Veale II was born 1786 in South Carolina and died in the spring of 1858. He came with his parents early in life to Veale Township. At Fort Comer, which is located near Maysville, Indiana, he was married to Eleanor Aikman, who was born 1791 in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, and lived there during her early girlhood. Her family came west to the Indiana Territory of Indiana in 1807, where she met James C. Veale II. They were married in 1813 at Comers Fort. There were a large number of Indians around this part of the country at that time, and made a great deal of trouble for the settlers. Most of the pioneers of that time lived in or near a fort. James C. Veale II taught the first school ever located in Daviess County, Indiana, the records shows this fact. He was employed by the County Commissioners. He enlisted in the Indiana Volunteers and served under General William H. Harrison in the War of 1812. He was wounded while on duty near Vincennes, fighting Indians, and when he died, the bullet was still in his body. James Carr Veale I had fought in the American Revolutionary War”. (End of quote)

Quote: “James C. Veale II and Eleanor (Aikman) Veale were the parents of the following children: WILLIAM THOMAS VEALE who married and reared a family, and lived to the ripe old age of eighty-four years; JOHN M. VEALE was lost at sea at the age of twenty nine years, and was unmarried. He was on a vessel loaded with cotton, bound from New Orleans to Pensacola, Florida, where they encountered a severe storm in the Gulf of Mexico. The vessel took fire and burned to the waters edge, all aboard was lost; JAMES A. VEALE married 1st MISS NEWTON and after her death he m. 2nd MISS IRONS (End of quote) This is all that I’ve found on this document) (RLV)


More detailed records show a number of errors in the two above paragraphs: First of all James Carr Veale II did NOT serve in the American Revolutionary War, it was his father, James Carr Veale I who did serve. James I got out of the War in 1785 and James II was born the year following. After an extensive search of the Indiana Territorial Records in Vincennes, Indiana we were NOT able to prove that he did serve in the War of 1812 under General Harrison, however it was proved that he served under Major Robb’s in 1810 fighting Indians near Vincennes, Indiana. He was wounded and took a bullet to his grave. James Carr Veale II DID was in the Indiana Territory in 1807 a year prior to his father, James Carr Veale I and the rest of the family in 1808. It was the father who purchased the 640 acres from his grant in South Carolina this land is now what is known as the Old Family Homestead. This grant is proven by the record of South Carolina, they prove that he and Lavina, his wife sold their lands in South Carolina and purchased lands in Indiana. The Land records of Daviess County, Indiana proves that James I and Lavina deeded parts of the homestead to James II & Eleanor in 1835. And lastly the first school teacher was not JAMES CARR VEALE II but it was James Carr Veale I, the father. James II did have a son named JOHN but not one named Watis. (See under James Carr Veale I chapter, the listings of the students in this school) Also, James Carr Veale II did NOT serve in the first County Commissioners of Daviess County in 1816 it was James I and John M. Coleman who served on this Commission. (RLV)


Quote: “James Carr Veale II came to the Northwest Territory in 1806. His Father James Carr Veale I came in 1808. He settled on the 640 acre land grant given him by the U. S. Government for his service in the American Revolution. He brought with him a salve named Sam
Father and son built a saw-mill on what is called Veale Creek, made slabs for the floors of cabins. The mill washed away in the spring of 1812 and was later rebuilt”. (End of quote)


To review the above paragraph: James Carr Veale II came to Indiana Territory in 1807 with his slave named SAM. It was James II & Sam who built the first saw-mill. The records of Land Grants in the Territorial Records show that James I purchased 640 acres for $1.00 per acre from these funds of selling his properties granted to him in South Carolina for his service during the Revolutionary War. (RLV)

Burial: She is believed to be buried in the Old Veale Family Cemetery with her husband on property deeded them by James I & Lavina
Birth: She was born October 13, 1791 at Sheppardstown, in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia where she grew up. The family came from PA

Source: David Akemon akemon@sbcglobal.net

Supplied by: Ralph C. Veale Rcveale@aol.com

David Writes: My great grandmother was Eleanor Aikman Veale of Daviess County, Indiana, born October 15, 1791. She married James Carr Veale II
Her Parents were:

Also from David Akemon:


Here are a few persons listed down to their sixteenth Cousins:

ANN AIKMAN, sister
JOHN AIKMAN, brother
JOHN AIKMAN, grandfather
MARY BOYD, grandmother
JANE MAHURN, great-grandmother

AIKMAN NOTES, by Charles C. Veale & Myrtle Lucille Sheetz


JOHN AIKMAN, d. January 26, 1850, aged 66 years, 25 days
MARY AIKMAN, d. October 27, 1845, aged 58 years, 6 months and 25 days
SARAH AIKMAN, d. June 20, 1813, aged 2 years
AIKMAN, 3rd wife of JOHN AIKMAN, d. July 27, 1930, aged 47 years, 2 months and 2 days

+ 2.            i. WILLIAM “THOMAS” VEALE

                      Notes for WILLIAM “THOMAS” VEALE”
Due to the large numbers of WILLIAM’S in this early family I will
identify WILLIAM “THOMAS” VEALE. Thusly using
“THOMAS” to identify this WILLIAM, a name some records lists him as.

+ 3.           ii. SARAH “SARA” VEALE
+ 4.          iii. JAMES AIKMAN VEALE
+ 5.          iv. MARY M. VEALE
6.              v. ELEANOR VEALE, b. 1824

                     More about ELEANOR VEALE:
The information on Eleanor Veale comes from a note left me by my father
                  That was written by William W. Veale the note shows her date of birth as
                  1824. This would more than likely make her one of the four children who are
                  in the Old Family Cemetery that are not identified. (RLV)

+ 7.       vi. ELIZABETH VEALE
+ 8.      vii. JOHN M. VEALE
+ 9.     viii. ANDERSON VEALE

More about the FAMILY MEMBERS:

A GOODLY HERITAGE, by Richard Alan Keefer relates:

Quote: “This family had nine children, the third being James A. Veale and he eight being Anderson Veale. The order of this family comes from the Memorandum found in the Daviess County, Indiana Clerk’s Office; the 1850 Census; and newspaper clippings”. (End of quote)

A HISTORY OF DAVIESS COUNTY, INDIANA by Fulkerson (1915) relates:

Quote: “A daughter named JULIE VEALE is a member of the James II & Eleanor Veale Family and is likely one of the four children buried in the Old Veale Family cemetery”. (End of Quote)


GENERATION TWO****************************************************


1st member of James Carr Veale II & Eleanor Ellen Aikman Family

2. WILLIAM “THOMAS” VEALE (JAMES II 2, JAMES I 1), b. August 30, 1814 (a year after the parents marriage), d. at the age of 84 years (March 12, 1890) in Daviess County, Indiana he m. 1st AMANDA J. MURPHY on March 22, 1857 in Daviess County, Indiana she b. February 17, 1838 in Daviess County, Indiana, d. April 25, 1863 in Daviess County, Indiana. He m. 2nd SUSAN DICKERSON on October 01, 1876 in Daviess County, Indiana she b. August 20, 1835 in Daviess County, Indiana, d. April 13, 1925 in Daviess County, Indiana

Burial: March 15, 1890 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Washington, Indiana

Source: From the files of ZED VEALE of Flagstaff, Arizona

AN OCTOGENARIAN: Thomas Veale of Veale Township dies of an advanced age. Monday, March 12, at the ripe age just beyond the three score and ten allotted to man. Thomas Veale died at his home in Veale Township which has been his for a lifetime. Mr. Veale was the second white child born in the territory that is now Daviess County, the first being Hugh Aikman. The oldest person now living in Daviess County is Tolliver Colbert. Thomas Veale was a farmer in comfortable circumstances. He lived six miles south of the city, a short distance west of Petersburg Road. His wife Susan, whose maiden name was Dickerson, had seven children survived him. Mr. Veale was a good citizen and had the respect of his neighbors, in Politics he was a Republican, and belonged to the Christian Church.

More about Susan DICKERSON:

Source: From the files of ZED VEALE of Flagstaff, Arizona


Mrs. Susan Veale, 89, spent all of her useful life in this county of her birth. One of Veale Township’s oldest and respected residents was removed yesterday when Mrs. Susan Dickerson Veale passed away at her old family home at the age of eighty-nine. Death came at 4:30 o’clock. Infirmities of old age caused her death. She had been living in the old family home ever since her marriage, nearly sixty years ago. Always willing to lend a helping hand to any one in need and ready to greet you with a smile or a word cheer, she made numerous friends during her long residence in this county. Her neighbors knew her as generous and kind woman and all that met her pleasing personality. Many there are who will regret to hear of her death.

Susan Dickerson was born in Barr Township, August 20, 1835, the daughter of Zadock & Elizabeth Cole Dickerson, pioneer residence of this county. All of her life has been spent here. Nearly sixth years ago she was married to William Thomas Veale, who predeceased her in death. To the union several children were born, three of who are now living. These children are:  ELLA, ZED VEALE who lived at the family home with their mother and Mrs. S. G. Wilson of Memphis, Tennessee. Two grandchildren: Miss Susan Wilson of Memphis and Mrs. S. G. Ragsdale of Detroit, Michigan, who also survive her. Mrs. Veale was the last of a large family to answer her call to death. She was a lifelong member of the Christian Church, having joined the church at Bethany, later transferring her membership to the Old Union Church south of Washington, where it remained until her death. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon, six miles west of Washington near Petersburg Road at 2 o’clock. Burial will follow at Oak Grove Cemetery.

More about AMANDA J. MURPHY:
Burial: Mount Olive Cemetery, Veale Township, Daviess County, Indiana

Children of WILLIAM “THOMAS” VEALE & 1st Wife AMANDA J. MURPHY are:
+ 11.            i. ALONZO VEALE
12.               ii. WILLIA VEALE
+ 13.           iii. ADA JANE VEALE
14.              iv. LAURA VEALE she m. JAMES E. COLEMAN on October 29, 1882 in
                        Daviess County, Indiana
15.               v. JAMES VEALE

16.           vi. ELLA VEALE she m. MR DYAL

                     Notes for ELLA VEALE:
Ella was living with her mother until she died and then married MR DYAL
Plainville, Indiana

+ 17.       vii. ELIZABETH VEALE


2nd member of James Carr Veale II & Eleanor “Ellen” Aikman Family

3. SARAH SARA VEALE (JAMES II 2, JAMES I 1), b. November 08, 1817 in Daviess County, Indiana, d. September 17, 1882 (Listed as SALLIE) m. LEVI PEEK on October 19, 1836 in Daviess County, Indiana (Book B, page 200)

Burial: Oak Grove Cemetery, Washington, Indiana
Date of birth: Comes from the Memorandum found in the Clerk’s Office, Daviess County, Indiana
Marriage records: There is a 2nd entry of SARAH VEALE as marrying HEZEKIAH JACKSON on February 20, 1939.

More about LEVI PEEK:
Burial: Old Veale Family Cemetery, south of Maysville, Indiana

PEEK FAMILY NOTES by Charles C. Veale & Myrtle Lucille Veale (Sheetz)


MARY PEEK & PETER FORRWARD, September 12, 1875
MARY PEEK & NORVAL BAKER, September 06, 1875
JOHN PEEK & WINNIE PALMER, November 17, 1830
JESSIE PEEK & NANCY R. VEALE, December 11, 1853


SALLIE PEEK d. September 17, 1882, aged 63 years, 10 months and 18 days
LEVI PEEK, d. March of 1853, aged 10 years, 11 months and 16 days

19.           i. MARY M. PEEK, b. 1840 in Daviess County, Indiana

Notes for MARY M. PEEK:
The Daviess County, Indiana Marriage Records shows a Mary Peek marrying two different men, due to the age factor her husband is likely

20.            ii. LEVI PEEK, b. 1841 in Daviess County, Indiana, d. in March 1852, aged 10
Year, 11 months and 16 days

                     More about LEVI PEEK:
Burial: Oak Grove Cemetery, Washington, Indiana

21.          iii. HARVEY PEEK, b. 1842 in Daviess County, Indiana
+ 22.       iv. JOHN M. PEEK, b. April 14, 1845 in Daviess County, Indiana
23.            v. ROBERT PEEK, b. 1848 in Daviess County, Indiana


3rd member of James Carr Veale II & Eleanor Ellen Aikman Family

4. {REV} JAMES AIKMAN VEALE (JAMES II 2, JAMES I 1), b. November 22, 1819 in Daviess County, Indiana, d. January 01, 1871 in Topeka, Kansas he m. 1st MISS NEWTON and m. 2nd MISS IRONS of Huntington, Indiana

Material source: The Presbyterian Church (USA) of Philadelphia, PA, purchased from the Church Archives

JAMES AIKMAN VEALE, b. November 22, 1819 in Daviess County, Indiana graduated from Wabash College in 1847. Attended Lane Theological Seminary in Cincinatti, Ohio in 1850; Andover, Massachusetts, 1808-1809. He was ordained a Presbyterian Minister in 1851.

Served at:
1). DARRTOWN, OHIO (1852-1854)
2). CONCORD & PATOKA, INDIANA (1854-1858)
3). HUNTINGTON, INDIANA (1859-1865)
4). WHITE LAKE, MICHIGAN (1865-1867)
5). TOPEKA, KANSAS (1867)
DIED: January 01, 1871 in Topeka, Kansas


4th member of James Carr Veale II & Eleanor Ellen Aikman Family

5. MARY M. VEALE (JAMES II 2, JAMES I 1), b. September 11, 1823 in Daviess County, Indiana she m. FIELDING JOHNSON on December 12, 1849 in Daviess County, Indiana


Source: Keith & Patty Randon

Address: St. Mary’s House, Brookside, Barkley, Leichester, England  (LE7 3QD)
E-mail: <randon@tiscali.co.uk>

Notes for Keith RANDON:

Keith is a graduate of Oxford University, and a professional Genealogist. He supplied me three brief on the Johnson’s of England. They start in 1296, and end in 1897. He ran across our web site on James Carr Veale I and noted that we too had Johnson connections listed in our midst. The name Fielding Johnson caught his eye definitely. From Mary M. Veale above one may detect that she married Fielding Johnson. Also in this family our Colonel George Washington Veale I married Nanny Johnson who is connected to this family.

Rather than describe all the contents in these three brief which are copyrighted, I will deal only with the family who did come to America. I will place it into the English method of presentation, so that, we may see another version of presentation.

                                             GENERATION XVIII

                                                 12th George I


                                   WILLIAM JOHNSON, Leicester
Sally Chiswell, of Leicester

            1726 Born April 7                         Born Nov. 23, 1771
1764 Married June 26 at St. Martin’s Church

Neale Dairy
1796 Died April 6                           Died Jan 13, 1771
Buried Benhill Fields                      Buried at the Great
Cemetery, London                           Meeting, Leicester

1765 Aug 25   THOMAS     Died 1810
Of whom next
1767 August    MARY         Died 1786
1769 Jan          STEPHEN   Died 1817
Died in Baltimore, Maryland, America
1770 Jan         MARY          Died 1773

On a tombstone in the Great Meeting Chapel yard, the following inscription: ”To the pious memory of SALLY, wife of WILLIAM JOHNSON.  She departed this life January 13, 1771. Aged of 37 years.”
On her right lies MARY, their daughter, who died October 18, 1773 aged 3 years and 8 months
The Father and Mother of Sally Chriswell are buried on the left of the daughter (See tombstone G. M.)


                                     GENERATION XIX

                                          5th George III

         THOMAS JOHNSON, Leicester, London. America
MARY GOODE, Leicester

        1765 Born Aug 25                             Born Dec. 30, 1761
1792 Married April 14
1810 (1814 ?) Died April                  Died February 28, 1833
Buried New Brunswick                     Buried Cuckney, Notts.
U. S. (Canada)

Thomas Johnson was in business in London, Norton Folgate

He went to America to join his brother Stephen. Both died in America

1789 Thomas Johnson, son of William, and late apprentice of Edward Knight, City and Tyler, was admitted to the Freedom aforesaid sworn in the Mayoralty of William Gill, Esq., Mayor, the 29th year of out Lord 1789”.
Source: (City Book of Freedoms, Book B).

                        Four children only two survived infancy
1793 Born June 1 William Goode, London, died July 18, 1793
1794 Born Dec. 8 Frances Goode, London, died Nov. 18, 1795
1796 Born April 9 Betsy Goode, London, died in America
1798 Born Feb 14 John Goode, London, of whom next

Note: At this time I will show that the name of John Goode who was next is listed as JOHN GOODE JOHNSON (RLV)

In our discussions, Keith and I did have some lengthy messages. The English records are quite good, whereas many of ours have been lost. Here is what I found here in the USA.

1). Thomas Johnson made several trips over to Maryland on official business for the British Government and all were to Maryland often to Baltimore

2). In 1790 he accepted land grants from the British Government in Nova Scotia, Canada for his services during the War of Revolution. He like John Carr Veale, were cheated out of these land grants by the keepers of the Land Deeds. These Loyalists moved onwards and formed the Province of New Brunswick, Canada in 1812.

3). We place the date of death of Thomas Goode Johnson & John Carr Veale to be 1814. Thomas Veale of Ontario, Canada related that there is a monument along the St. Lawrence Seaway that lists the names of 28 members of a fishing craft who died at sea when the ship overturned drowning all hands aboard. Thomas Veale did say he world send me a picture of this monument which shows the names of both persons. This will more than likely never happen. He has returned to his old home in Cornwall, England. Blast it, I located his kinsmen in Cornwall and after the demise of his wife he made several trips back home. In 2002 he never came back to Canada.

4). BETSY GOODE JOHNSON, the daughter of Thomas Goode Johnson was located in the Amish Community in Indiana. She died of Smallpox in 1832 and is buried above Hendoston Falls, near Petersburg, Indiana.

Source: Patsy & Ted Hornaday, Chestertown, Maryland sent the following: IAW the fact that Stephen Johnson had to be the person to be the father or grandfather of Fielding Johnson who married Mary M. Veale in Indiana

About a year ago, I phoned George Fenimore Johnson in an attempt to see who the family record keeper might be. The man was quite rude when I tried to discuss the old world and our family connection tom the Johnson’s. To be blunt he related that he personally did not give a Dam.

It is safe to assume that the following could be his reasoning:

Source: The Thursday, March 15, 2007 edition of the Kent County News


                                         George Fenimore Johnson

CHESTERTOWN (Maryland) – George Fenimore Johnson of Quaker Neck, Chestertown, Maryland died peacefully at the University of Maryland Hospital on Friday, March 09, 2007 surrounded by his loving family. He was 78 years old.

George was born June 14, 1928 the youngest of the late Eldridge Reeves Fenmore Johnson & Janet MacLaren Dalby Johnson of Moorestown, N. J. He attended Moorestown Friends School until 1939 when the family moved to Gladwyne, Pa. He graduated from The Haverford School in 1947 earning varsity athletic letters for football, gymnastics and was the stroke for the crew that won the U. S. National Rowing Championship in Men’s Heavyweight 4 Boat. In 1951 he graduated with a B. S. from the University of Wyoming where he was a member of the college rodeo team.

After college he joined the U. S. Army and was stationed in Japan during the Korean Conflict from 1951 to 1953. He was honorable discharged from the U. S. Army Reserves in 1959.

In 1954 he married Viola Dale Lindsey of Gladwyne, Pa., and they settled in Newtown, Pa. where they raised four children. George worked as Executive Vice-President of JenJohn Co., a manufacturing and wholesale distributor of underwater camera equipment. He later became President of the Johnson Offices, a firm dedicated to estate management. In 1971 he moved his family to Chestertown, Md., where they previously owned property since 1958.

George’s great passions in life were hunting, conservation and sailing with family and friends. He considered in an honor to be a member of the 1964 successful defense of the America Cup aboard the 12-meter Constellation. Spanning over 30 years, his black-hulled yachts named Challenge were recognized as formidable competitor in the trans-Atlantic and East Coast racing and cruising circuits.

In pursuit of his love of hunting and conversation he traveled the globe. In his later years he and his beloved wife, Dale, enjoyed the heritage of the American West.

George Johnson was a member of the Cruising Club of America, Corinthain Yacht Club of Philadelphia, New York Yacht Club, Ducks Unlimited, Safari Club International and Clan Mac Laren Society.

George Johnson is survived by his four children, Lindsey Johnson Mathews, Fenimore Tyler Johnson, Bradford Filter Johnson and Shaw Johnson Price, five grandchildren and two step-grandchildren, one sister Janet J. Hewes and one brother, Eldridge R. Johnson II.

A memorial service will be held at 11 a. m. on Saturday, March 17, 2007 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Sandy Bottom Road, Chestertown, MD. In lieu of flowers the family requests memorial contributions to be sent to the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company, P. O. Box 296, Chestertown, MD 21620.

Arrangements by Fellows, Helfenbein & Newman Funeral Home, Chestertown, Maryland

Paid obituary

Let us discuss the unknown factors:   We are certain that George Fenimore Johnson is a descendant of Steve Johnson of Baltimore, Maryland, and were hoping that George could resolve this once and for all. No such luck as he died on my 76 birthday.

Keith and I discussed various aspects of the connections to Fielding Johnson of Indiana.

1).The work came up on the faith Friends or Quakers. In looking into the Johnson and Goode of early settlers, these records shows that what is now called Quaker Neck was in fact a Quaker Meeting Place as was one in North Carolina.

2). Thomas Johnson in his many journeys back to the Americas as a courier for the English, did in fact deliver the three plates of silver to this meeting place where Joseph Smith gained access to them. For those of you who are not familiar with Joseph Smith, he was the founder and Professor of the Morman or Later Day Saints. It was Joseph Smith who called the Quaker Meeting Place his Brunswick.

3). He, Joseph Smith using the Old Testament formulated the belief that all men could have as many wives as he could afford, and set this belief in effect. When the local residents found out about this they changed to law to not permit such activities happening in this area. At this time I will point out that the daughter of Thomas Johnson, Betsy Good Johnson was his 3rd wife.

4) Joseph Smith and his followers, removed to Indiana in the seeking of their Promised Land settled in Goshin, Indiana. (Which is now the home of the Amish Settlement, and they later on moved to Salt Lake City, Utah).

5).The source of my LDS information comes from the Amish Settlement in Goshin. As a young man, while working in a local Supermarket in Washington, Indiana, the elder of the Amish Community would deliver the colonies eggs, milk, cheeses, and veggies to the market for exchange to items of which they needed. We chatted often while I counted the eggs, packaged the butter and weighed out the veggies for my manager. I would say we did become great friends. In 1950, I had moved on and was working for the local natural gas company, the Elder came to me at work with a settlement problem. Three of the children had died from eating spoiled meats. I showed him a deep-freeze we had in the store. He related that he would like to have one for the community, but due to our belief we do not even have electricity at all. I told him I could modify one of them that would work off of Lamp Oil. He then talked with my manager, and I built the item for them. My subject matter had come a few years earlier. The State Law was changed, so that, all schools must have a licensed teacher. The Settlement’s only teacher was his daughter, Mary. I knew she was in my high school, I being a Senior and she a Junior. He asked me to help her set up her apartment and teach her how to drive a vehicle. He had made her a Meminite and dropped her as an Amish. The teaching her to drive was the easy part, but the apartment was hard. To cook her food she placed logs into the oven of her gas stove, and almost burned the apartment down.

I contacted Mary with this problem on the Veale-Johnson connection. It was she who related that the Joseph Smith clan did not agree with some of its members. At this the Morman moved onwards to Utah leaving the disbelievers, the leaving the Amish to fend for themselves. That BETSY GOODE JOHNSON was the 3rd wife of Joseph Smith, and that Betsy had died during a small pox epidemic and was buried in the Amish Cemetery above Hendostan Falls in Pike County.

The last thing that leads me to believe that Fielding Johnson who married Mary M. Veale in Daviess County, Indiana is connected to our family comes from the fact that Keith mentioned the fact that Colonel Fielding Johnson was found in the Kansas Territory. We know that Colonel George Washington Veale I and he were Commanders in Kansas.

I’m listing all of this hoping someone can supply a positive connection of which we do not have at the present time. (RLV)


                  More about MARY E. JOHNSON (VEALE)

                 Source: The National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution,
Volume 41
Mrs. Mary E. Stilson
DAR Number: 40747
Born in Evansville, Indiana
Descendant of James Carr Veale
Daughter of Fielding Johnson & Mary M. Veale, his wife
Granddaughter of James Carr Veale II (b. 1786) and Eleanor Aikman, his wife
b. 1791
G-granddaughter of James Carr Veale and Levena Towne, his wife, m. 1782
James Carr Veale (1763-1839) enlisted 1780 in the Chester County Militia,
Picken’s Command
In 1832 he applied for a pension and was allowed 16 months actual service as
a Private, South Carolina in 1806 to Indiana where his Widow received a
Pension and where he died. He was born in Loudoun County, Virginia

                 Source #2: Letter dated 7-31-1954 from Mary E. Stilson to Carl W. Veale Sr.
From Los Angeles Centeral Library. From DAR lineage #41:280- Mrs. Mary
E. Stilson, with DAR #40747- wrote (The identical information written above)
Carl W. Veale Sr. noted this letter a copy was sent to Mrs. W. B. Stevenson of
2422 Hughes of Amarillo, Texas

6th member of James Carr Veale Ii & Eleanor Aikman Family

7. ELIZABETH VEALE (JAMES II 2, JAMES I 1), b. February 15, 1826 in Daviess County, Indiana she m. {DR} ALBERT WHITTON

Source: A History of Daviess County, Indiana by Fulkerson (1915)
Marriage: She married Doctor Albert Whitton
Source #2: Daviess County Clerk’s Office shows this marriage, no dates listed


7th member of James Carr Veale II & Eleanor Aikman Family

8. JOHN M. VEALE (JAMES II 2, JAMES I 1), b. circa 1824, d. circa 1857 at the age of 29 years, burial: Lost at sea.

More about JOHN M. VEALE:
Birth date has never been established

A History of Daviess County, Indiana, by Fulkerson (1915), page 585 states: Quote: “Under the family of James Carr Veale II & Eleanor Aikman Veale; John M. Veale was lost at sea at the age of 29 years and was never married. He was on a vessel loaded with cotton, bound from New Orleans to Pensacola, Florida where they encountered a severe storm inn the Gulf of Mexico, when the vessel took fire and burned to the water’s edge, all aboard were lost.” (end of quote)

Source #2:
The Daviess County, Indiana, records from the Clerk’s Office shows conflicting facts. Quote: “John M. Veale’s middle name could have well been MILES. In the Memorandum of the family of James Carr Veale II & Eleanor shows a MILES L. VEALE born February 27, 1816 in Daviess County, Indiana. The County Marriage Records shows a MILES L. VEALE and a PLEASANT MILES VEALE both marrying RACHAL CHAPMAN on the same date, November 21, 1855. The 1850 Indiana Federal Census shows a PLESANT MILES VEALE listed in the household of DANIEL VEALE & MARY COLEMAN with the same year of birth. The will of PLESANT MILES VEALE confirms the marriage of RACHAL CHAPMAN. Therefore, JOHN M. VEALE is the son of James II & Eleanor. The February date of birth is of PLESANT MILES VEALE”. (End of quote)


8th member of James Carr Veale II & Eleanor Aikman Family

9. ANDERSON VEALE (JAMES II 2, JAMES I 1), b. March 08, 1831 in Daviess County, Indiana, d. September 24, 1914 in Daviess County, Indiana he m. MARY JANE ALLEN on December 24, 1856 in Daviess County, Indiana she b. May 09, 1835 in Daviess County, Indiana, d. August 22, 1898 in Daviess County, Indiana. She was the 3rd daughter of MOSES ALLEN & MARY SMALL

Burial: Oak Grove Cemetery, Washington, Indiana
Occupation: Farmer, born in Veale Township, owned 117 acres of the finest land in Daviess County, Indiana

Burial: Oak Grove Cemetery, Washington, Indiana


ALLEN FAMILY NOTES, by Charles C. Veale & Myrtle L. Veale (Sheetz)

JOHN ALLEN m. LUCINDA VEALE on October 29, 1860 in Daviess County, Indiana
JOHN ALLEN, his wife MARY ALLEN she b. December 24, 1824, d. March 02, 1885
ELEANOR ALLEN is buried in Hudsonville Cemetery, Hudsonville, Indiana (This cemetery is now a part of Crane Naval Facility)
EIKANAH ALLEN b. March 11, 1853, d. December 22, 1889
CLARENCE ALLEN b. September 15, 1833, d. June 30, 1879

Note: EIKANAH, ELIZABETH, & CLARENCE are buried in Concord Cemetery, NE of Epson, Indiana

Note #2: THOMAS C. & ELIZABETH are twins, THOMAS is also buried in Concord Cemetery


Source: From the files of Zed Veale of Flagstaff, Arizona

                                      “MRS. ANDERSON VEALE DEAD”

The passing of an Excellent Citizen at the age of Sixty-three years

At ten minutes past 10 o’clock Monday night, Mrs. Mary Jane Veale, she the wife of Anderson Veale, died in her home south of this city. She was sixty-three years old. Mrs. Veale was sick only five weeks, the main trouble was heart problems, She suffered terribly, Death, however, was seemingly without pain. She passed away quietly and peacefully.

Mrs. Veale was born on the Allen farm 10 miles south of this city in May 1835, being the daughter of the late Moses Allen.

Mrs. Veale lived in Daviess County all her life. She was one of the oldest native born residents of this county. In December 1856, she married to Anderson Veale, who survives her. To their union four living children: JAMES, JOHN, LYDIA & DESSIE. Mrs. Veale was an estimable lady. Her traits of Character made scores of close friends. Mary was universally liked by those who knew her. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church having united with that church when she was quite a young lady.

Same Source:

                                    MRS. ANDERSON VEALE

Mrs. Mary Jane Veale was born May 09, 1835, at the old Allen family home place, one and one half miles south of this city. She was the daughter of Moses and Mary (Small) Allen. On December 24, 1856, she was married to Anderson Veale, who with their four children: JAMES, JOHN, LYDIA, & DESSIE, one grandchild survives her. She leaves one brother, Hiarm H. Allen of Olney, Illinois and Lewis A. Allen, Mrs. JESSE McGehee, Mrs. Dan Jackson, Brothers and sisters by her father’s second marriage. She united with the Presbyterian Church of this city March 29, 1882, and has always been true in all of her church relations and her life was worthy and emulated of neighbors and friends, but her character stood out preeminent in her home life. A faithful wife, a devoted mother has gone out from (this is all I have on this statement)

25.            i. LYDIA VEALE, b. February 23, 1860 in Daviess County, Indiana, d.
March 30, 1935 in Daviess County, Indiana

                    More about LYDIA VEALE:
Burial: Oak Grove Cemetery, Washington, Indiana, Section E from Sexton’s
Burial Books, (unmarked grave)

26.          ii. JAMES C. VEALE, b. 1863 in Daviess County, Indiana, d. March 01, 1926

                   More about JAMES C. VEALE:
From my father’s notes; James and Cora did have children

27.         iii. DESSIE VEALE, b. June 29, 1867 in Daviess County, Indiana, d. December
18, 1894 in Daviess County, Indiana

                   More about DESSIE VEALE:
Burial: Oak Grove Cemetery, Washington, Indiana unmarked grave, Section 
E, from the Sexton’s Burial Book

+ 28.     iv. JOHN ALLEN VEALE