GENERATION FOUR****************************************************


1st member of Lemuel Veale & Miss Lewelling Family

21. {MAJOR} DEMPSEY VEALE (LEMUEL 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. circa 1735/37 in Norfolk County, Virginia, d. after 1805 he m. 1st ELIZABETH & m. 2nd NANCY OWEN on December 21, 1796 in Norfolk County, Virginia

Note: The attached deed indicates that he may have m. 3rd SAPHERE

Source: Library of Congress Files: DEMPSEY VEALE may have been the eldest son of Lemuel, as he bought a Negro from the estate of William HOBBS, recorded in the later audit at the December Courts 1785 (Audit I, page 28a). This would indicate he was born by 1737, probably 1735. Dempsey Veale was appointed Captain November 21, 1777 (Wingo, Norfolk County, Virginia), Revolutionary & War of 1812 Pension Applications, etc., page 131) and on March 19, 1778, he and his wife, Elizabeth deeded a lot in Portsmouth to William WILSON (Deed Book, page 39).
Source #2: Virginia LDS Ancestry Files: Dempsey Veale, b. 1735/37 in Norfolk County, Virginia, father, Lemuel, mother, not listed
Other Items:
Dempsey Veale, 1787 Census for personal property tax purposes lists: Self, 0 blacks under 16, 6 blacks under 21, 2 horses and three cattle
Dempsey Veale, 1790 Census, Norfolk County, Virginia lists: 8 white souls and three buildings.
Dempsey Veale married December 21, 1796 to NANCY OWENS (Source: Virginia Marriage Records)
Dempsey Veale, soldier, Virginia Volunteer Soldiers, 1784-1810 (Source: Charlotte Library)
He Served in Captain Veale’s Company, Virginia Militia.
Dempsey Veale, from William & Mary’s quarterly, Volume II, W-Z lists: 5N52, 173; 9W(2)37; Major, 17V98
Nancy Owen Veale (W & M above) Lists: 9W(2)37, one of Dempsey’s properties
Source #3: Bertie County, North Carolina Deed Book T, page 228)
This indenture made this 8th day of February in the year of One Thousand Eight Hundred and five (1805) between Dempsey Veale of the State of North Carolina and the County of Bertie of the part one and RICHARD VEALE of the same state and county of the other part.
Witness that the same Dempsey Veale has bargained, sold and put into the possession of the said Richard Veale a certain or message of land lying and being part of the land belonging to Morris Veale, deceased.

Rules and bounded as follows:
Beginning at two oaks and a Gum in JAMES GRIMES (Husband of CATHERINE VEALE), thence along his line N50 W 15 poles to a sweet gum S33 W to Gradner’s proven line then along his line E13 pole to William VEALE’S Corner thence along his line N36E to the first station all of which lands in the above boundary containing counting Either Acres be the same more or less.

I, the said Dempsey Veal for my self, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns has bargained, sold and conveyed to the said RICHARD VEAL, him, his heirs, executors, or administrators with all the privileges or advantages therein contained or in otherwise appertaining to him and for his use for the sum of Ten Pounds to me the said DEMPSEY VEAL do warrant and agree to and with the said RICHARD VEAL to forever warrant and defend the title of the above premises on land unto Richard Veal clear from all encumberances, rights, claims of any person whatsoever for me my heirs, executors, administrators. As Witness my hand and seal on the day and date above mentioned.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us:
William VEALE, James RUFFIN & Baliss HOUSE

SAPHERE VEAL (her mark)

May Term, 1805, Bertie County, North Carolina

The within deed from Dempsey Veal & Saphere Veal, his wife to Richard Veal was acknowledged in open court by Dempsey Veal and ordered to be registered


Note: No children are listed in the above actions.

Note #2: Virginia Crilley indicates that Catherine Grimes (VEALE) as selling land to Richard Veale and is a duplicate to the deed listed above. All deeds have the same items included: MORRIS VEALE, deceased, as being his lands originally. This Morris being the son of John Veal


2nd member of Lemuel Veale & Miss Lewelling Family

22. GEORGE VEALE (LEMUEL 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. 1738/40 in Norfolk County, Virginia, d. 1883 he m. MARY MORGAN on June 04, 1761 in Norfolk County, Virginia, she b. October 15, 1738

More about GEORGE VEALE:
Source: Library of Congress Files: GEORGE VEALE, above, probably the eldest son of Lemuel Veale, was born 1738-40 (dates on Dempsey above shows his to be the 2nd son) who apprenticed himself to ISSAC LUKE on February 18, 1757 (D. B. 18, page 12; O Book, 1755-60, page 111). George Veale (called George Jr.) married MARY MORGAN on June 04, 1761, with CHARLES SMITH as surety, and the records states that Mary Morgan was born October 15, 1838 (Wingo, Marriages of Norfolk County, Virginia, Volume I, page 66) George died without issue in 1773. His will dated July 30, 1773, probated ay May Court in 1773 (W Book 2, page 21) (15) calls him “Of the town of Portsmouth) and leaves bequeaths to his wife MARY,, to his brother CRAWFORD VEALE, to SAMUEL BROWN, to EDWARD OWEN” son of my sister FRANCES OWEN”, and appoints THOMAS VEALE, uncle and wife MARY as executors. This would be Mary is probably the MARY VEALE whoi married LABON GOEFFWGAB on November 11, 1773 (Wingo, Marriages, etc., Volume I, page 15)


3rd member of Lemuel Veale & Miss Lewelling Family

23. FRANCES VEALE (LEMUEL 3. WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. 1747 in Norfolk County, Virginia she m. MR OWEN

Source: Library of Congress Files: FRANCES VEALE married MR OWEN and had a son EDWARD OWEN and is mentioned in the Will of George Veale II.
Other Items:
Source #2: Virginia LDS Ancestry Files: FRANCES VEALE, b, 1747, father, Leumel Veale, mother Miss Lewelling
Frances Veale, 1787 Census, Amherst County, Virginia (This would be FRANCIS VEAL, male who removed to Georgia around 1800).
Source #3: William & Mary quarterly, Virginia Historical Index, Volume II, W-Z lists: 9W(2)44, 136; W(2) 134 as properties owned.

52.           i. EDWARD OWEN


4th member of Lemuel Veale & Miss Lewelling Family

24. SALLY VEALE (LEMUEL 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. 1749 she m. JOHN GRIMES on February 10, 1780 in Norfolk County, Virginia

More about SALLY VEALE:
Virginia LDS Ancestry Files: SALLY VEALE, b. 1749, father, Lemuel Veale, mother, Miss Lewelling
Source: CD-ROM #229: Sally Veale married John Grimes on February 10, 1780 in Norfolk County, Virginia
William & Mary quarterly, Virginia Historical Index, Volume II, W-Z lists: 5N52; 8W(2)172 as personal properties

Note: Sally Veale’s marriage was signed by Dempsey Veale, her brother as surety.

No children listed


5th member of Lemuel Veale & Miss Lewelling Family

25. CRAWFORD VEALE (LEMUEL 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. circa 1745-50 in Portsmouth, Norfolk County, Virginia he m. 1st PATIENCE in Princess Anne County, Virginia and m. 2nd MRS SARAH WELCH on February 24, 1804 in Norfolk County, Virginia

Source: Library of Congress Report: CRAWFORD VEALE was born 1745.50. As CRAWFORD VEALE, son of Lemuel Veale, deceased, of Portsmouth, ship-right, he deeded to JOHN WYATT half a lot left by COLONEL CRAWFORD’S Will on January 30, 1771 (D Book 25, page 87) On March 16, 1775, he deeded half a lot to MICHAEL FREELY, his wife PATIENCE signed a later deed (Deed Book 27, page 14). On July 27, 1785, CRAWFORD VEALE and his wife PATIENCE of Princess Anne County, Virginia deeded to WILLIAM SKINNER half a lot in Portsmouth which had been left him by GEORGE VEALE II (Deed Book 29, page 124)
Source #2: Virginia LDS Ancestry File: CRAWFORD VEALE, b. 1745/50 in Portsmouth, Virginia, father, Lemuel, mother Miss Lewelling
Source #3: Virginia Marriage Records: CRAWFORD VEALE, m. MRS SARAH WELCH on February 24, 1804 in Norfolk County, Virginia
Source #4: William & Mary quarterly, Virginia Historical Index, Volume II, W-Z lists: 4N136 and 9W(2) 134 as personal properties
SARAH WELCH VEALE (W&M) lists: 9W(2)136 one of Crawford’s properties

Note: No children listed


1st member of {Captain} George Veale & Frances Scott Family

26. {CAPTAIN} SAMUEL VEALE (CAPTAIN GEORGE 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. 1745-08 in Norfolk County, Virginia, d. 1795 he m. FRANCES Unknown

Source: Library of Congress Report: SAMUEL VEALE, b. circa 1745-08 he m. FRANCES, was appointed Captain of the Militia in Norfolk County, Virginia on November 21, 1777 (Wingo, Norfolk County Revolutionary War and War of 1812 Pensions, etc. page 103), and died in 1795. The will of Samuel Veale dated March 12, 1793 and probated July 21, 1795 (Will Book 3, page 154) mentions his wife FRANCES, son GEORGE and daughters FANNY & NANCY VEALE.
Source #2; William & Mary’s quarterly, Virginia Historical Index, Volume II W-Z lists; 4C646;1N102, 103; 5N55; 5N5, 6. 19 & 116; 15V93; W(2)196 Captain; and 15V186 as properties.
Other Items:
Samuel Veale 1747 birth date, Virginia, Source: American Genealogical-Biographical Index, Captain, Revolutionary War Records of Virginia (VA793)
Samuel Veale, 1790 Census, Norfolk County, Virginia lists 4 whites, 4 dwellings and 4 others.
Samuel Veale, Colonial Soldiers by L. Broadstruck, GPC listed as LT.
Samuel Veale, Will, 1795 Norfolk County, Virginia source: Virginia Wills and Administrations, 1632-1800 by C. Torrence
Samuel Veale, 1787 Census, Norfolk County, Virginia for personal tax purposes lists: Samuel as self. 14 blacks over 16, 5 blacks under 16, 5 horses and 8 cattle
Source: Mrs. Carl Veal, Vernon, Illinois
{Captain} Samuel Veal, October 10, 1777 for pay of his Company, Norfolk Militia at Portsmouth (Pay Certificate 60.12.6)
Samuel Veal paid for rope for the Garrison at Portsmouth.

53.           i. GEORGE VEALE
54.          ii. FANNY VEALE
55.         iii. NANCY VEALE


2nd member of George Veale I & Frances Scott Family

27. NATHANIEL VEALE (GEORGE I 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. before 1755 in Norfolk County, Virginia, d. before 1777 in Norfolk County, Virginia

Source: Library of Congress Report: NATHANIEL VEALE, is shown as a tithtable in George Veale I’S family, therefore he was born before 1755, but was predeceased by his father

SPECIAL NOTE: In one very popular writing on the Veale, this NATHANIEL VEALE is listed as being NATHAN VEAL I of Amherst County, Virginia. I find it hard to believe that a man who predeceased his father in 1777 did marry for the 2nd time in 1785 and have a second family after his death. (RLV)


3rd member of George Veale I & Frances Scott Family

28. AGNES VEALE (GEORGE I 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), she m. {CAPTAIN} DAVID PORTER on February 20, 1765 in Norfolk County, Virginia

More about AGNES VEALE:
Source: Library of Congress Reports: AGNES VEALE, m. 1756, bond February 20, 1765 between {Captain) David Porter and Agnes Veale, daughter of George Veale (Wingo, Marriages 1, page 53).This marriage is also recorded in the Virginia LDS Ancestry Files.

No further data.


4th member of George Veale I & Frances Scott Family

29. CATHERINE VEALE (GEORGE I 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), m. January 17, 1773 in Norfolk County, Virginia to DAVIS O’SHEAL

Source: Library of Congress Files: CATHERINE VEALE m. DAVID O’SHEAL, bond on January 17, 1773 between David O’Sheal and Catherine Veale, daughter of George Veale (who consented), showing that she was under 21 (Ibid, page 50)

No further data.


5th member of George Veale I & Frances Scott Family

30. MARY VEALE (GEORGE I 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), m. WILLIAM ROBERTS on July 17, 1777 in Norfolk County, Virginia

More about MARY VEALE:
Source: Library of Congress Report: MARY VEALE, m. 1777 to WILLIAM ROBERTS on July 17, 1777, with brother Samuel Veale on bond (ibid, page 560)

No further data.


6th member of George Veale I & Frances Scott Family


Source: Library of Congress Report: ELIZABETH VEALE, mentioned in George Veale’s Will, but no further information.
Source #2: Virginia Marriages for some residents, GPC, 1986: ELIZABETH VEALE m. JOHN EVANS in Norfolk County, Virginia

No further data.


7th member of George Veale I & Frances Scott Family

32. MARGARET VEALE (GEORGE I 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. in Norfolk County, Virginia she m. JAMES CANN on April16, 1784 in Norfolk County, Virginia, d. probably 1785

Source: Library of Congress Report: MARGARET VEALE m. JAMES CANN, bond April 16, 1784, with Samuel Veale, her brother as guardian and surety (Ibid, page 12). Margaret must have died very soon after her marriage to JAMES CANN as he married a little over a year later to her 1st cousin, SALLY, the daughter of THOMAS VEALE


1st member of Thomas Veale & Bethiah Edwards Family

38. {MAJOR} WILLIAM CRAWFORD VEALE (THOMAS 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. 1751 in Norfolk County, Virginia he m. JANE SKINNER on June 28, 1787 in Norfolk County, Virginia

Source: Library of Congress Report: WILLIAM CRAWFORD VEALE, m. JANE SKINNER, bond June 28, 1787, as “William Veale” (Wingo, Marriages 1, page 66). On November 10, 1789 William C. Veale and his wife Jane deeded a lot in Portsmouth to his cousin Dempsey Veale (Deed Book 37, page 207)
Source #2: William & Mary quarterly, Virginia Historical Index, Volume II, W-Z lists: 1N76; 2N112; 5n63, 104; 2W(1)48; letter to {Colonel{ Shark. {MAJOR} 10C186; Family 12V164

No further data.


2nd member of Thomas Veale & Bethiah Edwards Family

39. MARY (MOLLY) VEALE (THOMAS 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. 1753 in Norfolk County, Virginia she m. 1st THOMAS CLARLSON on July 15, 1784 in Norfolk County, Virginia and she m. 2nd MR BANBURY before 1793
Note: She was listed as (MOLLY) in her father’s will.

More about MARY (MOLLY) VEALE:
Source: Library of Congress Report: MARY VEALE, m. 1st THOMAS CLARKSON, bond July 15, 1784 in Norfolk County, Virginia and m. 2nd MR BANBURY before 1793


3rd member of Thomas Veale & Bethiah Edwards Family

40. SALLY VEALE (THOMAS 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), she m. JAMES CANN on September 21, 1785 in Norfolk County, Virginia

More about SALLY VEALE:
Source: Library of Congress Report: SALLY VEALE m. JAMES CANN September 21, 1785 with Thomas Veale as surety (ibid, page 21)
Note: JAMES CANN had married MARGARET, her 1st cousin just about a year prior.


4th member of Thomas Veale & Bethiah Edwards Family

41. CATHERINE VEALE (THOMAS 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. 1757 in Norfolk County, Virginia she m. GEORGE WEBB on June 24, 1789 in Norfolk County, Virginia

Source: Library of Congress Report: CATHERINE VEALE, b, 1757 she m. GEORGE WEBB on June 24, 1789 in Norfolk County, Virginia with Thomas Veale as surety (ibid, page 69)


5th member of Thomas Veale I & Bethiah Edwards Family

43. THOMAS VEALE II (THOMAS I 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. circa 1752 in Norfolk County, Virginia, d. 1743/4 in Gallatin County, Kentucky he m. MARY PIGOT on December 10, 1798 in Norfolk County, Virginia

Source: Library of Congress Report: This Thomas is listed as a member of Thomas & Bethiah Edwards Veale family and is listed in his father’s Will.
Source #2: The family of Thomas Veale II & Mary Pigot is listed in: The Veale Heritage quarterly, published and edited by the late Carl W. Veale I (Volume II, No. 2, April 1979, page 27)
Source #3: Virginia Marriage Records, GPC, Baltimore- 1984, it lists Thomas Veale m. Mary Pigot on December 20, 1798 in Norfolk County, Virginia
Source #4: William & Mary quarterly, Virginia Historical Index, Volume II, W-Z lists: Mary Pigot as 9W(2) 39 as property owned.
Thomas Veal, 1810 Census, Kentucky lists him in Gallatin County, Kentucky
Military service: Thomas Veal served in the War of 1812 from Gallatin County, Kentucky, he was a Private in Captain Ziba Holt’s Company of the 13th Detached Military, Kentucky Militia. I have the Company Muster Roll dated November 10, 1814 to May 10, 1815. (Elba Johnson)


3 males 10 or under (b. before 1810)
1 male 10-16 (b. 1810-1816)
1 male 26-45 (b. 1775-1794) {THOMAS}
2 females – 10 (b. 1810-1820)
1 female 10-16 (b. 1810-1816)
1 female 50-60 (b. 1770-1780) {MARY}


2 males 15-20 (b. 1810-1815)
1 male 10-16 (b. 1810-1816)
1 male 26-45 (b. 1775-1780) (THOMAS}
1 female -5 (b. 1825-1830)
2 females 5-10 (b. 1820-1825)
1 female 50-60 (b. 1770-1780) {MARY}


Children of THOMAS VEAL II & MARY PIGOT are:
56.          i. BEVERLY VEAL, male, b. 1808 he m. MARY ANN COUGHN on June 24,

More about BEVERLY VEAL:
1830 Census, Gallatin County, Kentucky
1 male 20-30 (b. 1800-1820)
1 female -5 (1825-1830)
1 female 20-30 (b 1800-1810)

1840 Census, Gallatin County, Kentucky
2 males 5-10 (b. 1830-1835)
1 male 10-15 (b. 1820-1825)
1 male 30-40 (b. 1800-1810) {BEVERLY)
1 female -5 (b. 1835-1840)
1 female 20-30 (b. 1810-1820) {MARY}
57.           ii. ANGELINE (ANZA) VEAL, b. 1810, male
+ 58.       iii. JOHNSON VEAL
59.          iv. TILFORD VEAL, b. 1814 he m. LUCY THOMPSON on December 10,

TILFORD VEAL m. LUCY THOMPSON on December 10, 1836 in
Gallatin County, Kentucky he the son of THOMAS VEAL

60.           v. HIARM VEAL, b. 1819 he m. NANCY HUGHES on March 14, 1838 he the
son of Thomas Veal.
61.          vi. POLLY VEAL, b. 18092 she m. OWEN HOLLOWAY on December 10, 

                     Notes for POLLY VEAL:
The marriage of Polly & Owen Holloway was performed by Rev. William
Thompson; I always wondered about that, was he connected to Cathy  
Thompson Veale, the wife of John Veale who was once in Montgomery
County, Kentucky? (Elba Johnson)
POLLY VEAL m. OWEN HOLLOWAY on December 10, 1820 in
Kentucky, her THOMAS VEALE
Elba, I looked into John Veale of Montgomery County, Kentucky, from all  
The collection in my hands, until just now there was no indication as to
whom his wife was. This has proven to be a true statement, solid enough to
resolve this part of the puzzle. It was my Aunt Wanda Veale (Thompson)    
notes that proved this beyond any doubt. Rev. William Thompson II was her 
Uncle. We owe you one Elba, job well done, sorry to say, my Aunt Wanda 
Prior to us finding this connection to our own family (RLV)

+ 62.      vii. THOMAS B. VEAL, b. 1824
63.         viii. HARIETT VEAL, b. 1820 she m. JOHN HAYES on October 18, 1837

Hariett and John Hayes’ marriage bond was signed by Beverly Veal (Elba

64.           ix. MARY VEAL, b. 1822 she m. WHITAKER BLAKER on May 07, 1840



Note 1: The dates of marriages, and full names were provided by Mrs. Elba Johnson, P. O. Box 87, Galena, Missouri 65656, from positive marriage records.

Note #2: All the records to date had only listed eight children, but did state that nine children were born to this union. This is through the efforts of the late Carl W. Veale I, Virginia Crilley, Mrs. John Bennett Boddie and her Library of Congress writing of “Southern Families”, has made it possible for me to combine all writers factors, and provide the missing child THOMAS B. VEAL with the birth year of 1824. At first there were two THOMAS VEAL/THOMAS VEALE of early era of Virginia who could have been the one found in Gallatin County, Kentucky. The other being the son of William Veale I & Lydia Turley of Prince William County, Virginia, this Thomas Veale married Elizabeth Ellzey, and removed to North Carolina, but it was his date of birth that eliminated him as being the man in Kentucky. The wills of three generations of the family members aided immensely. Some went to Georgia. The IGI confirms all children except THOMAS B. VEAL.

Note #3: Elba Johnson writes: “I have a Lewis Veale who married Catherine Orr but don’t know who he was”. In this I could only speculate, as in the family of John Veale of Montgomery County, Kentucky. We have been able to locate three members of this family, and the census shows more members. I would think, he, Lewis to be probably of this family. This Lewis Veale is of the family of John Veale of Prince William County, Virginia. (RLV) See Northern Neck of Virginia Veale’s.

Note #4: As for WILLIAM B. VEAL being a member of the family of Thomas Veale & Mary Pigot. My sources, but primarily Mrs. Patricia Spencer, in her many writings into the Kentucky Veal is the one who pointed out that in all or most records, this family is listed as having nine members, but only eight have been listed. In her writings are the one who listed WILLIAM B. VEAL as a member of this family. Due to the fact that the members of this family were also listed in Gallatin County, Kentucky plus the date of birth being 1824, and the only Veal known to have a non birth date not allowed or accounted for by the name of William (RLV)



7th member of Thomas Veale I & Mary Pigot Family

44. NANCY VEAL (THOMAS I 3, WILLIAM 2, MORRIS I 1), b. 1765 in Norfolk County, Virginia she m. JESSE ARMSTRONG on March 15, 1817 in Norfolk County, Virginia

More about NANCY VEAL
Source: Library of Congress Report: NANCY VEAL is listed as the daughter of Thomas Veale & Bethiah Edwards family.
Source #2: Virginia LDS Ancestry Files: NANCY VEALE, b. 1765, father, Thomas Veale, mother, Bethiah Edwards.
Source #3: Three Centuries Book lists: MANCY VEALE m. JESSE ARMSTRONG on March 15, 1817 in Norfolk County, Virginia
Source #5: William & Mary quarterly. Virginia Historical Index, Volume II, W-Z lists: 
2N54; and 10W(2)120 as properties